
SchemaSpy Analysis of Magicline Enterprise Data Warehouse

Generated on Sat Oct 05 03:44 GMT 2024

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 105

Database Properties

Database Type: Redshift - 8.0.2

Schema magicline

Magicline Enterprise Data Warehouse

This read-only schema provides selected business relevant data of Magicline in an unaggregated per-event grain in the form of multiple fact and dimension tables (star/galaxy/fact-constellation schema).

It’s targeted to use for analytical purposes in BI tools like PowerBI, time uncritical direct queries or as source for a custom pipeline, where data can be further enriched or prepared for fast access.

Note: See our showcase on how to use PowerBI!


  • Connection is restricted to a static IP address we need from you
  • A single USER & PASSWORD + HOST are provided
  • User has access to a single database of the same name


Please fill in the arguments, as provided by us.

Via odbc see aws documentation

Driver={Amazon Redshift (x64)};Server=<HOST>;Database=<USER>;UID=<USER>;PWD=<PASSWORD>;Port=5439

Via jdbc see aws documentation



Tables are fully rebuilt every ~4-8 hours

Non-Breaking Changes

  • New tables are announced in the Changelog on the same date they are added
  • New columns on existing tables are announced in the Changelog on the same date they are added

Breaking Changes

  • Tables are marked as deprecated in their documentation before they are deleted, to allow users to adapt beforehand
  • Columns are marked as deprecated in their documentation before they are deleted, to allow users to adapt beforehand
  • Deprecations are announced in the Changelog on the same date

Anonymization / Access Level

Generally all data-privacy settings from the source System, like anonymizing checkins after a certain time period, are also applied on this Data Warehouse.
Additionally, there are 3 different types of access level we provide:

  • Owner: Client that owns the whole tenant in the source System. All data is provided.
  • Franchisee: Client that owns a subset of the tenants studios in the source System. Only fact data of selected studios is provided. Dimensional data of other studios can appear but is anonymized.
  • Franchise System: Client that owns the whole tenant in the source System but doesn’t operate studios directly. All fact data is provided but anonymized.

Your accounts access level will be defined during setup with your account manager.


  • For feedback and issues, please contact your account manager


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
fct_trainer_class_appointments 0 7 9 -1 Table

DEPRECATED. Use fct_trainer_appointment instead.

Stores all appointments for trainers

dim_inclusive_contingent 2 0 8 -1 Table

A contingent how often a service can be used, that is included in a contract (rate) of a customer.

dim_cancellation_reason 1 0 5 -1 Table

DEPRECATED. Use dim_contract_cancellation_reason instead.
A reason for contract cancellation

bridge_customer_to_customer_code 0 2 4 -1 Table

Link customer to all his customer codes.

fct_payment_run 0 5 12 -1 Table

This table contains all payment run bookings together with information about the payment run itself. A payment run is a scheduled event where a financial institution attempts to collect money from the customers. It consists of individual payment run bookings, those that are regular, those that failed and those that were already excluded before and therefore technically do not represent actually processed bookings

dim_daytime 0 0 6 -1 Table

This table contains all times of a day from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 with the granularity of one second.

dim_payment_run_property 1 0 6 -1 Table

A set of basic payment run booking properties

fct_checkin 0 6 10 -1 Table

The event of a customer visiting a gym (organization_unit) owned by you.

dim_idle_period_property 1 0 8 -1 Table

Additional dimensional information about a fct_idle_period.

dim_company 1 0 7 -1 Table

A ‘partner company’ that contracts can be related to for the Corporate Fitness program.

dim_employee 3 0 16 -1 Table

Table contains all employees and their relevant information

dim_purchased_contingent 2 0 7 -1 Table

A contingent how often a service can be used, that is paid for (not included in a customers contract).

dim_revenue_group 1 0 4 -1 Table

A hierarchical categorization of revenues into a broad main_group and a finer grained sub_group.

fct_contract_cancellation 0 10 13 -1 Table

DEPRECATED. Use fct_contract instead.

The table tracks canceled contracts and specific reasons for its cancelation

dim_class 3 0 9 -1 Table

A class that a customer can participate in, e.g. yoga, dance class, etc

fct_idle_period 0 8 11 -1 Table

A timeframe in which a customer doesnt have to pay for his contract(s).

dim_date 35 0 16 -1 Table

All dates from 1900-01-01 to 2099-12-31 with some precalculated values for common operations.

dim_contract_payment_frequency 1 0 7 -1 Table

Defines how often and how much is paid for an individual contract.

dim_product 1 0 8 -1 Table

An article that is sold physically or virtually. It is either defined with multiple attributes beforehand or just with a name being specified ad hoc when a sale is made (further referenced as dynamic product).

fct_lead_lifetime 0 4 12 -1 Table

Representation of the lead conversion process of every customer (PROSPECT/MEMBER/FORMER_MEMBER), by the start and end date of the conversion/loss. Sourced by both Lead Management section and a fallback logic (see lead_source).

fct_trainer_appointment 0 6 17 -1 Table

An appointment (class, trial session or personal training) by the trainer(s) leading it. Note: There can be multiple trainers per appointment, leading to multiple entries of the same appointment_id.

dim_contract_term 1 0 4 -1 Table

The term of the contract.

dim_service 2 0 10 -1 Table

A general service (a class, a personal training, the replacement of a member card…), that can be provided to a customer. The service could be included in the customers contract(s), with a limiting contingent (eg when its a Sauna subscription) or be booked individually (eg when its a class).

dim_currency 4 0 5 -1 Table

All available currencies

fct_contract 3 16 23 -1 Table

Stores all the contracts of all the customers.

dim_device 1 0 6 -1 Table

A device connected to the system, which enables registering customers using certain areas (the whole gym, the gym sauna) or machines (eg a massage bed) of a gym.

dim_class_event_property 1 0 5 -1 Table

The tables contains simple properties of the class events.

dim_customer_communication_consent 0 2 14 -1 Table

The message categories a customer gave consent to be messaged for, over the specified communication channels. Consent could be given directly on a specfic customer or as a default via the Studio Settings.

fct_contract_price_history 0 5 14 -1 Table

The new price and price change information whenever the price of a contract is adjusted. The current_price of a contract can be built with condition valid_from_date >= CURRENT_DATE < valid_to_date

dim_contract_property 1 0 9 -1 Table

A set of basic contract properties, e.g whether or not contract is signed, via which service it was created, is contract disabled, which payment type was used for the contract, etc.

dim_rate 4 0 6 -1 Table

A standard tariff a contract is created with.

dim_trainer_appointment_status 1 0 3 -1 Table

Statuses of the employee for a specific appointment

fct_revenue 0 9 16 -1 Table

The event of an accrued income (positive/negative) of contracts, sales and everything else. Nightly updated with entries of the past day. NOTE: multi-purpose vouchers (de: ‘Wertgutscheine’) are only considered once they are used or expired.

dim_appointment 5 0 9 -1 Table

The unique event of an appointment on the calendar with its properties.

dim_customer_code 1 0 7 -1 Table

A tag or ‘member code’ set on customers to organize them into groups.

dim_organization_unit 15 0 13 -1 Table

A gym. The physical location at which people go to work out. But also the abstract entity to which customers sign up to.

dim_contract_cancellation_reason 1 0 7 -1 Table

A set of basic properties of the cancellation such as origin, if the cancellation was extraordinary and the reason for the cancellation.

fct_class_appointment 0 6 14 -1 Table

Stores all appointments for a particular class

dim_contract_cancellation_property 1 0 4 -1 Table

DEPRECATED. Use dim_contract_cancellation_reason instead.
A set of basic properties of cancelation such as origin, if the cancelationwas extraordinary, etc

fct_customer_appointment 0 8 16 -1 Table

An appointment (class, trial session or personal training) by the customer(s) taking part in it. Note: There can be multiple customers per appointment, leading to multiple entries of the same appointment_id.

fct_class_event 0 10 13 -1 Table

Stores all customers events for class appointments such as booking or cancellations

dim_customer 12 1 30 -1 Table

A customer is a person who signed up to a studio owned by you or your franchise.