
-1 rows


A customer is a person who signed up to a studio owned by you or your franchise.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
customer_id int8 19 null
bridge_customer_to_customer_code.customer_id bridge_customer_to_customer_code_customer_id_fkey R
dim_customer_communication_consent.customer_id dim_customer_communication_consent_customer_id_fkey R
fct_checkin.customer_id fct_checkin_customer_id_fkey R
fct_class_event.customer_id fct_class_event_customer_id_fkey R
fct_contract.customer_id fct_contract_customer_id_fkey R
fct_contract_cancellation.customer_id fct_contract_cancellation_customer_id_fkey R
fct_contract_price_history.customer_id fct_contract_price_history_customer_id_fkey R
fct_contract_term_dates.customer_id fct_contract_term_dates_customer_id_fkey R
fct_customer_appointment.customer_id fct_customer_appointment_customer_id_fkey R
fct_idle_period.customer_id fct_idle_period_customer_id_fkey R
fct_lead_lifetime.customer_id fct_lead_lifetime_customer_id_fkey R
fct_payment_run.customer_id fct_payment_run_customer_id_fkey R
fct_revenue.customer_id fct_revenue_customer_id_fkey R

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System..

customer_number varchar 256 null

More human-readable identifier key to identify the person. Formatted as studioprefix-number (eg AB-123). Freed up (set null) on archived customers to redistribute.

imported_customer_number varchar 256 null

The customer number as it was set in a previous system the customer was imported from. Only set if it was specifically required in the import-process.

customer_status varchar 256 null

The current (business) relation of the person to the studio. One of:

  • PROSPECT: The person entered contact information but has no valid contract (yet).
  • MEMBER: The person has a valid contract which end_date is in the future.
  • FORMER_MEMBER: The person had a valid contract which end_date is in the past.
firstname varchar 256 null

The personal name given to the person at birth. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

second_firstname varchar 256 null

The personal name given to the person at birth. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

lastname varchar 256 null

The family name of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

second_lastname varchar 256 null

The family name of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

street varchar 256 null

The name of the street the person lives in. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

house_number varchar 256 null

The unique identifier of a building in a street the person lives in. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

zip varchar 256 null

The ZIP-Code (postal code) of the place the person lives in.

city varchar 256 null

The name of the settlement the person lives in.

country varchar 256 null

The 2-letter ISO 3166 abbreviation of the country the person lives in.

tel_private varchar 256 null

The private phone number of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

tel_private_mobile varchar 256 null

The private mobile phone number of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

tel_business varchar 256 null

The at-work phone number of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

tel_business_mobile varchar 256 null

The at-work mobile phone number of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

email varchar 256 null

The email address of the person. Can be null if data is anonymized, because the entry is not directly related to your organizations (from another FRANCHISE or you have a FRANCHISE_SYSTEM).

email_verification_status varchar 256 null

The current state of verification of the persons email address. One of:

  • INITIAL: No verification email was sent yet.
  • PENDING: The verification email was sent and is waiting for action of the recipient.
  • VERIFIED: The recipient successfully verified the email address by clicking the verification link.
  • UNVERIFIED: No email address is set or the recipient did not react on the verification email for 24 hours.
gender varchar 256 null

The sex the person identifies with. One of UNISEX, FEMALE, MALE.

date_of_birth date 13 null

The date at which the person was born.

age int4 10 null

The current age of the person.

place_of_birth varchar 256 null

The name of the city the person was born.

country_of_birth varchar 256 null

The name of the nation the person was born.

deceased bool 1 null

Whether the person died.

archived bool 1 null

Permanently removed but kept for historic relations.

created_date date 13 null
dim_date.date dim_customer_created_date_fkey R

Date when the customer was added to the current Systems database.

locale varchar 256 null

The language of a customer represented by it’s ISO-639 and ISO-3166 Code. If not set for a customer, the studios default locale is used. Eg. de_DE.

customer_origin varchar 256 null
Through which system the customer was created."
  • WEBCLIENT: Customer created via System website by an employee.
  • CONNECT_API: Customer created via the public Systems API (eg tenant website)
  • EXTERNAL: Customer created via Partner Integration.
  • SALES_TOOL: Customer created via “Sales Tool” a special part of the Systems website optimized for tablets to easily create contracts together with the (to-be) member.
  • LEGACY_MYSPORTS: Customer created via Mysports/Branded App or mysports.com (only set for customers created as leads before 2023-08).
  • MYSPORTS_APP: Customer created via Mysports/Branded App.
  • MYSPORTS_WEB: Customer created via mysports.com
  • ONLINE_CHECKOUT_PAGE: Customer created via Studio Pages feature (See Settings > Websites > Studio pages)
  • LEGACY_WEB: Customer created via CONNECT_API, ONLINE_CHECKOUT_PAGE or similar Web sources of the System (only set for customers created as leads before 2023-08)
  • IMPORT-*: Customer was imported from another system or from a file and other origins can’t be determined.
  • UNKNOWN: The origin can not or no longer be determined. (Often the case for customers created as leads before 2023-08)
last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
