
-1 rows


This table contains all payment run bookings together with information about the payment run itself. A payment run is a scheduled event where a financial institution attempts to collect money from the customers. It consists of individual payment run bookings, those that are regular, those that failed and those that were already excluded before and therefore technically do not represent actually processed bookings


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
payment_run_id int8 19 null

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System.

organization_unit_id int8 19 null
dim_organization_unit.organization_unit_id fct_payment_run_organization_unit_id_fkey R

The gym (organization_unit) for which the payment run booking was executed

effective_collection_date_id int4 10 null
dim_date.date_id fct_payment_run_effective_collection_date_id_fkey R

The date at which the amount was actually collected

number varchar 256 null

The payment run number

payment_run_property_id int8 19 null
dim_payment_run_property.payment_run_property_id fct_payment_run_payment_run_property_id_fkey R

ID of the payment run property

booking_type varchar 256 null

One of: REGULAR_BOOKING (amount was successfully collected or is still ongoing. See booking_status), FAILED_BOOKING (amount was tried to be collected but it failed, for the reason see dim_payment_run_property table), EXCLUDED_BOOKING (amount wasn’t tried to be collected, for the reason see dim_payment_run_property table)

booking_number varchar 256 null

The explicit number of the booking within a payment run with the specified number

customer_id int8 19 null
dim_customer.customer_id fct_payment_run_customer_id_fkey R

The person related to the booking

amount numeric 23,6 null

The amount tried (see booking_type) to be collected from the person

currency_id int8 19 null
dim_currency.currency_id fct_payment_run_currency_id_fkey R

The system of money in which income was generated.

archived bool 1 null

Permanently removed but kept for historic relations

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
