
-1 rows


The event of an accrued income (positive/negative) of contracts, sales and everything else. Nightly updated with entries of the past day. NOTE: multi-purpose vouchers (de: ‘Wertgutscheine’) are only considered once they are used or expired.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
revenue_id int8 19 null

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System.

accounting_date_id int4 10 null
dim_date.date_id fct_revenue_accounting_date_id_fkey R

The date at which income was generated.

organization_unit_id int8 19 null
dim_organization_unit.organization_unit_id fct_revenue_organization_unit_id_fkey R

The gym (organization_unit) for which income was generated.

revenue_group_id int8 19 null
dim_revenue_group.revenue_group_id fct_revenue_revenue_group_id_fkey R

Human readable naming for accounting_transaction and credit_account_type

amount numeric 19,2 null

The gross value in specified currency.

net_amount numeric 19,2 null

The value with deducted taxes in specified currency.

currency_id int8 19 null
dim_currency.currency_id fct_revenue_currency_id_fkey R

The system of money in which income was generated.

customer_id int8 19 null
dim_customer.customer_id fct_revenue_customer_id_fkey R

The person related to the income (eg the buyer of a product). Null if this revenue entry is not related to any specific person.

rate_id int8 19 null
dim_rate.rate_id fct_revenue_rate_id_fkey R

The tariff of the contract generating an income. Null if this revenue entry is not about a specific contract (eg a product was sold).

contract_id int8 19 null
fct_contract.contract_id fct_revenue_contract_id_fkey R

The contract generating an income. Null if this revenue entry is not about a specific contract (eg a product was sold).

product_id int8 19 null
dim_product.product_id fct_revenue_product_id_fkey R

The product which was sold. Null if this revenue entry is not about the sale of a product (eg a contract generated income).

service_period_start_date date 13 null
dim_date.date fct_revenue_service_period_start_date_fkey R

The start date of the service period associated with this revenue entry, such as the beginning of a billing cycle (eg. start of month) for a customers main contract. Or null if not associated with a service period (eg. sale of a product).

service_period_end_date date 13 null

The end date of the service period associated with this revenue entry, such as the end of a billing cycle (eg. end of month) for a customers main contract. Or null if not associated with a service period (eg. sale of a product).

description varchar 256 null

Description of revenue

adjustment_type varchar 256 null

Adjustment type that change value of price: * IDLE_PERIOD – Adjustment due to period when contract is inactive * CONTRACT_CANCELLATION– Adjustment due to cancelation of contract * CONTRACT_REVERSAL – Adjustment due to reversal of contract * CONTRACT_ADJUSTMENT – Adjustment due to adjustment to contract * CONTRACT_ADJUSTMENT_CANCELLATION – Overall reductions * CONTRACT_REST_MATURITY – Used for all locked charges whencontract gets rest maturity * BOOKING_ENTRY_REVERSAL– Reversal of charge that is locked * BOOKING_ENTRY_REDUCTION – Reduction of the original charge * CUSTOM – Custom adjustment * CUSTOM_SINGLE_BOOKING_ENTRY – Discount for single booking entry * CONSUMPTION_CREDIT_CONVERSION – Adjustment due to normal credit conversion * CONSUMPTION_CREDIT_BONUS_CONVERSION –Adjustment due to bonus credit conversion * CHECKIN_DISCOUNT – Discount for reaching a certain hours of check-ins for the month * CHARGED_BACK – Return of payment * Null – No Adjustment

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
