
-1 rows


The message categories a customer gave consent to be messaged for, over the specified communication channels. Consent could be given directly on a specfic customer or as a default via the Studio Settings.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
customer_communication_consent_id int8 19 null

The primary key of this table. Calculated System column.

organization_unit_id int8 19 null
dim_organization_unit.organization_unit_id dim_customer_communication_consent_organization_unit_id_fkey R

The studio of the customer giving consent.

customer_id int8 19 null
dim_customer.customer_id dim_customer_communication_consent_customer_id_fkey R

The customer giving consent.

message_category varchar 256 null

The topic consent is given about. One of:

  • CONTRACT: Confirmations, reminders, postponements, cancellations
  • GENERAL: General information, opening hours, self-services, ..
  • APPOINTMENT: Appointment reminders, confirmations, cancellations, ..
  • NEWSLETTER: News, promotions, events, ..
  • LOYALTY_PROGRAM: (Advanced Marketing Consent) rewards, promotions, ..
modified_date timestamptz 35 null

UTC Timestamp at which consent was last modified.

configuration_origin varchar 256 null

Whether consent was given directly on the customer or via the Studio Settings. Either CUSTOMER or ORGANIZATION_UNIT.

allows_mysports bool 1 null

Whether Mysports (App) communication is allowed.

allows_email bool 1 null

Whether Email communication is allowed.

allows_text_message bool 1 null

Whether Text Message (SMS) communication is allowed.

allows_phone bool 1 null

Whether Phone communication is allowed.

allows_letter bool 1 null

Whether Letter communication is allowed.

allows_all_communication_channels bool 1 null

Whether all communication channels are allowed.

communication_channels super 0 null

A list representation of channels, over which communication is consented to. Possible Channels: MYSPORTS_MESSAGE, EMAIL, TEXT_MESSAGE, PHONE, LETTER

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
